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5 “Moments” Why You Can’t Miss Night of Hope Owasso

Come two weeks from today, the HIA staff will be sipping our morning coffee and getting ready for a full day of LIFE CHANGE! This traditional, calm before the storm moment, is something that’s very special to me. It’s one of thousands of memories and moments from the previous 9 Night of Hope Events that are nothing short of miraculous! Here are just a five of the moments that stand out…

  • I remember meeting Bill and Susan at the first Night of Hope in OKC in  2013. They came because they knew my uncle and had seen it in the paper. They didn’t need any help at the time, but two years later when their son got in trouble–they did. Because of Night of Hope, they knew who to call.
  • I remember Matt and Mary from Night of Hope Tulsa in 2014. They both were all-star volunteers who hit it off during the volunteer meetings and the “day of” setup. That day their relationship was started, which lead to dating, which lead to a marriage. How cool is that?! A Night of Hope marriage!
  • I remember a young man coming forward at Night of Hope Marlow in 2015. He was desperate, deeply hurting and searching for help. He found it that night. He connected with one of the resource booths in the After Party and within weeks made his way to treatment. From there his life would never be the same.
  • I remember talking to a young strung out couple after the main event in OKC in 2015. They were high, but God was working on them anyway. They wanted help, but had no idea how to get it. Luckily one of their moms started coming to the Finding Hope class at Quail Springs Baptist Church. As she begin seek health for herself, the couple begin to seek help for themselves. Fast forward 18 months and the couple are now residents in their respective HIA Mentoring Homes. They are both managers in our program and are set to graduate TOGETHER later this year! How’s that for AMAZING!


  • I remember David. His mom dragged him to Night of Hope OKC 2016. He didn’t want to come, but he did and God moved. I’ll never forget our conversation after the event was over where his face was lit up with a smile and an HIA shirt was slung over his shoulder. He walked away with a new found hope for this future and soon entered treatment. Last week he texted me to tell me he was celebrating 129 days of sobriety and that it all started at Night of Hope.

I could go on and one with stories of radical life change that have spawned from Night of Hope experiences.  God has blessed these evenings and I know He is going to do the same thing on February 10th. If you know someone who needs to be there to experience this incredible evening invite them now! Don’t wait any longer. Forward them this email right now and encourage them to come. Shoot them a text, call them, do whatever YOU can to help someone who needs a breakthrough.

God uses moments to change lives. Let’s ALL make sure everyone we can has the opportunity to have their moment come February 10th!

They will be welcomed. They will be accepted. And they will be pointed towards HOPE. And with HOPE anything is possible.

Lastly, if you are planning to come to Night of Hope Owasso, do us a favor and register. Just click here and fill out the short form that will let us know you are coming.

With Hope,


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