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Night of Hope OKC 2014

World Series Champion Darryl Strawberry
World Series Champion Darryl Strawberry
"Chief Hope Dealer" Lance Lang
"Chief Hope Dealer" Lance Lang
Former Prostitute, Founder of "Hookers for Jesus"
Former Prostitute, Founder of "Hookers for Jesus"

August 15th, 2014 was a night for the ages!

Hope is Alive Ministries third Night of Hope event was by all accounts a major success!  Over 700 people from all across Oklahoma gathered at Quail Springs Baptist church to celebrate new life, second chances and HOPE! 

Mrs. Annie Lobert hit the stage first and immediately made her presence felt. She was authentic, vulnerable, and passionate, leaving an impact on every single person in the church. I heard dozens of sniffles throughout the audience as she told story after story of her painful past as a prostitute. She described the beatings she endured by the hands of her pimps and tearfully described the moment in which she called out to God and He answered. As she closed she serenaded the room with her own beautiful version of "Amazing Grace". Ending the song with this phrase “His blood is what has set me free, He did to give me grace”.  It was truly an amazing moment and needless to say Annie left the stage to a standing ovation.

Darryl Strawberry graced the stage and in his typical fashion knocked his speech out of the park. He boldly talked about his past, his ups and his downs. He claimed his mistakes and pointed all of his success back to Jesus. What I loved about Darryl Strawberry was his clear depiction of a life transformed. No one in the room could doubt that God had done an incredible work in his life. Mr. Strawberry was passionate and unashamed to proclaim that God had done for him what he could not do for himself. He gave a clear presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ and inspired hope in the lives of all attendees.

See the photos!


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The next event is happening in June, 2018. Sign up to attend or volunteer today!